Monday, March 10, 2014


{w.o.r.d.s.} have so much power . . . . 


"Excellent!  Great job!  Well done!  You Rock!  I love you!  You're amazing!  You can do it!  Thank you!"

These words build up the hearer, and the speaker!  When you are the recipient of these words, a smile comes to your face.  Your step is just a little lighter!  Life feels good! Yesterday when I was doing my exercise challenge, the plank {all 3 minutes and 10 seconds of it} was killing me!  Rick was sitting nearby and encouraged me with "You can do it!  Focus!  The temptation to quit only lasts 7 seconds!  C'mon, you can do this!"  And I did!  His encouraging words helped me focus on the goal and I completed the plank!  By the same token, when I am able to deliver words like this to someone, I feel better too!  Knowing that I may have been an encouragement to someone brightens my day!


"Shut Up!   That was dumb! What were you thinking?  Can't you do anything right?  I hate you!" 

These words tear down the hearer and the speaker!  When you are the recipient of these words, you question who you are, what you are, and if you really matter.  As a mom, I know that I've spoken some of these words, and caused some major hurt to the hearts of my girls.  "What were you thinking?"  You know what, they probably weren't "thinking"!  They are kids and sometimes kids {and adults} do things impulsively, without thought.  That does not diminish their worth, yet, my hastily spoken words does.  As the speaker of these words, I'm figuratively trying to grab them out of the air and shove them back into my mouth, which unfortunately is impossible.  If only I would have prayed Psalm 141:3 before speaking: "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!"


"I wish I weighed 10 pounds less!   I'm not good at anything!  Nobody loves me!  I can't do anything right!  What's the difference if I live or die?"

These words, spoken to ourselves defy what God says we are!  When you "self talk" these words, you question who you are, what you are, and if you really matter.  Psalm 139:14 says: "for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"!  And our maker is the God of the universe!  If He has fearfully and wonderfully made us, and He says so, then it is truth!  These words cause hurt and doubt and cause us to question the awesomeness of God's creation!

Psalm 19:14 says:  "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."  As I strive to continually be filled with God's sweetness and to spill that out on others, I must pray {often} "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!"  How about you?

Reality check:

How have you spilled {or will you spill} out God's sweetness and sweet {w.o.r.d.s.} today?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

... but G O D !!

The conversation started simply, "I wonder where we can get Arnica?"  Since we had just been talking about the 10-day sugar detox that we are going to do, I assumed that Arnica must be a natural supplement that was suggested for the detox.  When I asked what it was for, Rick replied "It's a homeopathic treatment for injuries."  Still thinking of the detox, I asked why we needed Arnica {cutting out sugar was already scary enough, now I was going to need a homeopathic injury treatment??}.  Keeping with the time honored saying "ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer", he replied, "Because I'm gonna push you down the stairs." {He would NEVER push me down the stairs . . . it was his "stupid" answer to my "stupid" question!!}.  Then came the real answer, "Your dad fell down, he is in pain and wants to go to the game tonight.  We need to get him some Arnica so he feels better."  ♥

"For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water, however suddenly jolted."  

Well Rick's "wise guy" answer about pushing me down the stairs may not have been filled with sweetness, but the rest of the conversation sure was!  The sweetness Rick displayed in his concern for my dad reminded me of the reason for this blog . . . my desire to be so filled with HIS sweetness, that I don't spill out bitter on those I love.  For me, that "bitter" often comes out all too quickly. 

Being newly married, with 3 children each {him 3 boys, me 3 girls - cue the "Brady Bunch" music!}, my step children and grandchildren, his granddaughter, as well as each of our families has been an adjustment!  His family {mom, step-mom, siblings} is spread from here to Florida, my brother & sister in law live 3 miles away and my parents live next door!  We have different opinions on how things should be done, where things should be kept, and how life should be lived.  He has learned that if something isn't nailed down, it may not be where he left it.  I have learned that when he needs time to himself, it doesn't mean he doesn't love me, but I'd best let him have some time to himself!  Blending families and lives and finding a middle ground when we don't agree is a challenge at times!  I'm thankful that we both agree that God is first, and the Cornerstone of our marriage.  We committed ourselves to each other before God and our kids to stick it out, in the good and the bad.  That marriage covenant is forever and only with God's help can we honor it!  We live in a "disposable" world, and only God can hold a marriage together!

Sometimes, my cup {heart} is not filled with sweetness, and anything but sweet water spills out.  Frustrations, anger, mis-understandings, they all become part of the mix and I allow Satan to add his bitter to the mix.  No matter how hard I may try to justify it, there is nothing pretty about that bitter water!  It hurts me, it alienates those I love and it works to destroy relationships.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I love "but God" statements!

 "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  

Ephesians 2:4-9

But God, made us alive together with Christ!

But God, allows me to spill all that yucky, dirty water on Him and He refills and refreshes me with sweet water!

But God, uses others to remind me of that sweetness that I want to be filled with!

But God . . . 

Ah, "but God"!  If it weren't for Him, there would be no sweetness.  There would be nothing to refresh and refill and refuel with.  There would be no rich mercy, no great love, and no being made alive in Him!  For by grace are we saved through faith, it is the gift of God, not of works, so that none of us can boast.  If there is goodness {sweetness} in me, it is only through Him.  My hope for an eternity in Heaven is not because of anything that I have done {or didn't do}, it is only through Him.  The works mentioned in the last part of that passage is the work that I can do through His grace in me.  That is the sweetness that I can spill out on others, only by His grace!

Today, through Rick's "spilling" of sweet water through his love and concern for my dad, God reminded me yet again of His immeasurable love for me!

Reality check:

What have you spilled today?

Do you want your {spills} to look like this:

or this:

Let HIM fill you!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Give me YOUR eyes . . .

"Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."

Satan is in the business of devouring our
pretty homes . . .

Satan is in the business of devouring our
pretty marriages . . . 

Satan is in the business of devouring our
pretty children . . .

Satan is in the business of devouring our
pretty lives . . .

Satan knows just where to "hit" us.  He knows where each and every one of us has a weakness, or weaknesses {food, gossip, addictions, need for self worth, anger, bitterness, grudges . . . }.  When he sees a crack, in the workings of your home, in the covenant of your marriage, in the relationship with your children, in the tapestry of your life, the subtle prowl becomes an all out attack.  A war on all that you hold dear.  Satan does not play fair and Satan wants to win.  

It is so sad.  I have seen so many pretty homes destroyed.  I have seen pretty marriages that seemed to be "matches made in Heaven" crumble.  I've seen pretty children raised in pretty Christian homes, loved dearly by their parents wander.  I've seen pretty lives fall apart, being given over to fears, insecurities, addictions . . . all things Satan has used to lure us away from the riches of God's grace.

There are times when it seems there is nothing we can do, but pray, and often times, that is all that we can do, I understand that.  But, can we, as the body of Christ do more?  

Can we come alongside our brothers and sisters in the good, the bad and the ugly and "be there for them"?  I mean, really "be there for them"?

When I think on this question, it makes me wonder, how many times has there been someone in my life who was just {hanging on} and I did nothing more than offer my prayers for them?  I am not questioning the power of prayer by writing this.  I am just reflecting upon times when I was {hanging on} and what my heart longed for!

Way too often, we hide behind the masks of our pretty homes, pretty marriages, pretty children and pretty lives and don't let others in to see our pain.  Sometimes this is a learned behavior because on those few, rare occasions that we have allowed ourselves to be vulnerable, we felt rejected, judged, or worse yet, made out to be a "bad" Christian.  We have been made to feel that if we just trusted God more, realized that He was the only one we could count on, leaned on Him more, we'd be o.k.  I, for one, know those things to be true.  I was born to two amazing Christian parents, I grew up in the church.  I had a loving, safe home.  I was your typical mid-western "good girl".    I know that I need to trust God more, I need to realize that He's the only one I can really count on, I know I need to lean on Him fully.  I KNOW all of the "right" church answers, really I do!  And I believe them.  But, I'm still human.  And I know that God created us for "community"!  Genesis 2:18 says, "It is not good for man to be alone" and Galatians 6:2 says, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ".  God knew that we needed human companionship! 

Even though I know the right "church girl" answers, there are still times where I want {need} more.  So, the question becomes, If I KNOW the right answers, what is the more that I want when I'm just barely {hanging on}?  What do I want {need} instead of putting on my mask and pretending that everything is o.k.?  If I'm honest, I want {need} to be able to run to someone. I need to be held by someone who will let me scream or rant or cry.  I need to be loved without judgement and to be "heard" not just "listened" to.  I need them to {be there}.  I need the one who is handing me a tissue to dry my tears.  The one that says, call me, any time, day or night, I LOVE YOU!  I am not saying that this person has to justify my actions, reactions, anger and rant.  I'm more happy actually if they will bring me back in line with right thinking.  I'm {needing} them to point me back to my first true love, Jesus.  I need their accountability, but the point is, I need them to physically be there.

Therein lies MY dilemma . . . how often have I NOT been that kind of friend {or wife, daughter, mama}?  How often do I flippantly say "I'm praying for you".  "Oh, honey, God knows your hurt".  "Oh, I've got this really good book you could read".  "I just heard this amazing song and it spoke to my heart, here listen to it".  "If you need anything, just call" {Seriously the WORST statement ever in my opinion.}  "God gives the toughest battles to His strongest warriors".  "God won't give you more than you can handle". {Oh how I dislike that one . . . God DOES give us more than we can handle because it's only in those times that we learn to lean completely on HIM!}  I need to remember that just as I "can'" neither can my husband, parents, children, friends.  I need to remember that it is o.k. to be weak. To make mistakes {even BIG ones}.  To have a "safe place" to run to where NO MATTER WHAT sins have taken over, there is LOVE.   I need to remember that there aren't always easy answers.

As I look to be filled on the {in}side, so I can spill {out} God's love, this is an area that I need to work on.  

I need to be able to be available, anytime, day or night.  I need to be those arms that will hold during the screaming, ranting, crying.  I need to love without judgement and not just "listen" to what is being said, but I need to "hear" the deeper, heart issues.  I want to "be there".  I want to be the "hander" of tissues and the one who says call me anytime, and means it!  I want to listen and offer wise counsel, love, prayer and Godly advice.  I want to be there.

Oh Lord, I am so caught up in my own world.  I'm so committed to my own commitments and busyness that way too often I overlook the needs of others.  Please help me to slow down and not just listen, but to hear.  "Give me Your eyes for just one second, give me Your eyes so I can see, everything that I keep missing.  Give me your love for humanity.  Give me your arms for the broken-hearted, the ones that are far beyond my reach.  Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten, give me Your eyes so I can see!"**  Amen.

**Brandon Heath "Give Me Your Eyes"