Monday, February 10, 2014


Welcome to the first post here at "inside out"!

I'm glad you have decided to join me on this journey!

My desire is that we grow together in our relationships with each other and into a deeper relationship with God.  I know that too often I rely on other things {husband, children, food, exercise, purchases . . . } to make me happy and ultimately, none truly satisfy.  Only through an intimate relationship with Jesus can I find true happiness, peace and contentment.  This journey won't always be pretty, but I pray that it will always draw us closer to the only One who can truly satisfy.

God bless each and every one of you as we journey together.  

Reality check:

How have you spilled out God's sweetness today?

Answer in the comments if you are comfortable sharing!

1 comment:

  1. I'll start . . . my Mom called with a computer question and I was busy trying to get this blog up and running . . . I paused, took a deep breath, whispered a prayer, and helped her with what she needed! :)
